The Open The Book Team visits Pickering Infants, Junior and St Joseph’s twice each half term, and all thoroughly enjoy the visits. Please continue to pray for this work. If you would like to be part of the team, please speak to Karen Pattison – we would warmly welcome new members.
Ryedale Community Food Bank: Thank you to those who have already contributed, and please continue giving. Pray for those families who are struggling financially in the current economic climate.
Elderly Residents of Pickering: Please pray for the elderly residents of Pickering – for those living at home and those in the specialist care of Alba Rose, 5 Whitby Road and Arden House.
Prayer Letters from The Wilsons: Prayer Letters from Diane and Bryan Wilson are in the church foyer. Please continue to pray for their work in USA.
Ryedale Talking Magazine: Please pray for those who contribute time and readings that are recorded for distribution to people who are blind or visually impaired . May God bless the time spent sharing together as the readers prepare for each monthly recording session. If you know of anyone who is visually impaired who would like to receive a CD please let Martin know.
Mission: We pray for the work of Flying mission
Pickering Methodist Church Prayer Network: The Prayer Network is now up and running. If you would like to be part of this WhatsApp group, please contact Ruth Hall on 07710 163360. If you cannot access WhatsApp but have a prayer request, please phone Ruth to have your request added to the network. Please remember that you must ask the permission of the person for whom you are asking prayer before inclusion on the network.